Monday, October 7, 2024

Hydration and Moisturization

Humidity levels increase the hydration levels of your skin by slow down water evaporation from the skin’s layer. This can benefit people with dry skin, as it"s helps to lock in moisture and improve skin texture.

Attractive Skin Cell Turnover

Humid weather provides better conditions for your skin to regenerate and shed dead skin cells at a faster rate. The results are smoother, brighter skin with fewer imperfections.

Anti-Aging Benefits

Your skin being more hydrated and moisturized, your skin will look more supple and plump. Wrinkles and fine lines are more visible on dehydrated skin. Luckily, humidity keeps your skin moisturized, giving you a youthful skin glow.

Sunday, September 6, 2015


The Magic Of Hairs By Females.

One of a woman's many secret weapons is her hair. In literary pieces and films, men have often been shown to fall in love with women who sport long, soft, and great-smelling hair. In real life, this happens even more.

To get healthy hair, your first concern should be to rid your scalp of dandruff. Dandruff causes dryness and irritation, leading to dull and damaged hair. Coconut oil has been proven an effective natural ingredient for combating dandruff and improving the growth of hair, and this is what you'll need to do the beauty tips for your hair that follow. Massage your scalp in slow circles with pure coconut oil. You can also apply coconut oil which has been boiled with onions, and wash it off with a mixture of water drained from boiled rice and green gram powder. A mixture of coconut oil, olive oil, and lemon juice can also be applied, with a 15-minute steam towel-wrap afterwards. Your hair must be washed with shampoo after the procedure.

There are many other effective natural ingredients against dandruff. For example, you can use a mixture of gooseberry juice and almond oil and apply it with your fingertips on your scalp. You can also crush the leaves of a five-petal hibiscus flower and wash your hair with its juice, or apply mustard and fenugreek paste to your scalp. Don't use commercial dandruff shampoos right away. Beauty tips for your hair using home treatments from nature abound, and you can choose any of these to cure dandruff without causing further damage to your hair.

After your dandruff disappears, it's time to focus your energy into making your hair shiny and glowing, as well as keeping it healthy. Coconut oil is still the main ingredient for beauty tips for beautiful hair. Mix coconut oil and mustard oil and soak at least half a cup of curry leaves in the mixture overnight. In the morning, heat the curry leaves until they turn crisp. After removing them from the heat, add three camphor balls and allow the oil to cool. After straining, apply the oil to your hair roots and massage in circles. Leave the oil in your hair while you sleep and wash with shampoo when you wake up in the morning. For best results, repeat the procedure twice a week.

One of the more common natural beauty tips for hair is using eggs as conditioner. Make a mixture of egg white, two spoonfuls of castor oil and one spoonful of glycerin, and apply it to your scalp and hair. Wash it after half an hour. All these beauty tips are sure to bring you hair that other women will envy and men will fall for.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Just 15 Minutes Twice a Day, and See the Result in a Week

This depends on how you take care of your face. Start by giving yourself 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at bedtime.
Tip 1:

Take 1 tbsp of un-boiled milk, dip a small pad of cotton wool in this and rub on the face gently. Use circular movements, use upward strokes on the neck area. Leave this on for 15 minutes. Wash with cold water.

Tip 2:

Take a thick slice of cucumber. Don't peel the slice, rub in a circular motion all over the face and neck areas. Wash after 15 minutes.

Tip 3:

Halve a tomato, gently rub over face and neck and wash after 15 minutes.

Tip 4:

Take the half of a lime peel, from which the juice has been extracted, rub this firmly on the face and the neck. Using a Scrub-(once in 3-4 days).

After washing off the milk or juice - take a tsp of oat bran or wheat husk or gram flour (besan). Make a paste with a few drops of water and rub the face and neck gently with this. This sloughs away the dead cells and gives the face a glow. Don't use soap, just splash on cold water that will act as an astringent and close the pores.

Tip 5:

Use green gram powder or rice flour mixed with curds instead.

Oily Skin: If the face is oily,

After a bath as a base for make-up use some diluted limejuice to dab on before application of foundation or any other make-up.

Tip 6:

Diluted buttermilk dabbed on the face and left for 15 minutes, gently wipe with moist cotton wool before applying make-up.

Tip 7:

Rub the face well with an ice cube.

Tip 8:

Slice an Apple into thin slices. Place these on the face and leave for 15 minutes. These soak up the extra oil and helps to close pores.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Skin Care By Age Grouping

Clear young skin during teenage is the most treasure we want to keep shining and glowing forever. So if you need nice skin, you need to begin from teenage.

Skin care by age in 20 years old.

- In 20 years old, the nature builds this age to have full glowing and shining skin. However, there is a few troubles which is pimple because there is sex hormone relevant. You should choose mild skin care such as mild cleanser that have anti pimple ingredient such as salicylic acid or sculpture during this stage. Certainly, don’t forget to apply sun protect regularly.

Skin care by age in 30 years old.
 In 30 years old, it is the stage to see the change of your skin such as some part is oil but some part is dry. It will make you confuse which
type of skin care should you use. Dermatologist often advise to use the noncomedogenic skin care and choose cream or lotion with anti-oxidant such as the one which contain Vitamin C, Vitamin E or Beta-Carotene to repair damaged skin from sunlight. Furthermore, the skin care with copper, green tea or collagen ingredient is the good choices as well.

Skin care by age in 40 years old.
 In 40 years old, it is important to enrich to slow down the deterioration of skin and need to look after continually. Oil production will decrease at this stage so it will cause wrinkles and lines especially around lips and eyes. Before choosing skin care, you should consult with Dermatologist for the first step to check your skin condition. This age may choose the skin care with alpha-hydroxyl acid (AHA) to remove dead skin. In addition, the skin care with Vitamin A which help reduce wrinkles is the good choice.

Skin care by age in 50 years old and over.
- In 50 years old and above, your skin will not elasticity and lack of water due to lack of collagen. Many people have freckles, blemish or color-changing skin on some area. If there are many changes, you should meet Dermatologist to check your skin because the immunity  and the strength of skin will decrease in this stage. Your skins have been touched with pollution for whole life so it may be the time to cause skin disease easily such as dermatitis, skin cancer or tinea, etc. The skin care you should use is with collagen and according to Dermatologist suggestion.
You will see that each age use different skin care. Who less than 30 years old don’t impatient to choose the skin care with extreme ingredients of anti-wrinkle because it is unnecessary. As if you take care of yourself in resting, exercising, good food, and know how to reduce stress and anger so your skin will be recovered and strong naturally.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Best Beauty Secret

 Beauty is more than just the perfect hair, makeup, dress, teeth, skin and clothes. Yes, those things help make a woman look good. But beautiful is a class of its own – a class a woman like you can achieve.

Of course, looking good can help as you make your way toward being beautiful. So here are some tips to get from looking good to becoming beautiful.

- Your Crowning Glory

You don’t need to visit the salon every week, but neither should you keep your ‘mane’ looking like a mat on your head.

Take care to keep your hair clean and shiny. On occasion (every 2 months or so), visit a hairstylist who can suggest a good cut that will suit your face and body shape.

- Carry Yourself Like Royalty

The idea is for you to be able to walk down a street WITHOUT shuffling your feet and with your head bowed down as if apologizing for your existence.

Push your shoulders back with your head resting squarely on your shoulders and stride! Walk as if every hall you pass is a runway – because it is.

- You Make The Clothes (Not The Other Way Around).

Be realistic about your body shape. Not everyone’s got an hourglass figure (and guess what? Not everyone desires that either!).

Don’t torture yourself by forcing your body into clothes that will not suit you. It is about as sad a thing as you could do to yourself. Take what you’ve got and dress to highlight what your mama gave you. Consult with a professional to determine what types of clothes will flatter your body shape.

- Makeup Not Mock-Up

The only time too much makeup is a good thing is when it’s on a clown or mime. Otherwise, less is more.

Much like with clothes, use makeup to highlight the nice things about your face. Are those your eyes? Your lips? Your cheeks? Caution though, if you feel your face has got all of those; choose only one part to emphasize or risk looking like a member of K.I.S.S.

Finally, the best beauty secret of all…

…love yourself! It is by far the best beauty treatment you can get. Develop a positive attitude on everything there is about you – from the way you think, to how you talk and of course how you look. People will recognize that there is something about you that makes you irresistible – and that is when you feel great about yourself, no matter what others think or say. You can start being beautiful – now!

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