Monday, January 31, 2011

Stay attractive

 1. Do NOT touch your face with your hands
Throughout the day, your hands come in contact with the world around you. Your hands touch surfaces like the phone, the computer keyboards, your bag, the table and basically everything around you. Picking up germs as you go along. Touching your face with your hands before washing them is a big No No. The last thing you want is to introduce more bacteria to your skin, leading to more pimples.

2. Keep your hair off your face.
Oily skin usually means oily hair. You have enough natural oil on your face. You do not need to add more oil and hair care products to your skin, which is what happens when your hair covers any part of your face. If you notice more pimples on your forehead, beneath your fringe, or along the sides of your face where your hair might brush against, your hair could be the culprit. You could keep your hair off your face by wearing it in a pony tail, or using hair clips to hold it off your face.

3. Wash your face 3
  Wash your face 3 times everyday with a cleanser that is meant for skin with acne.
That’s what a doctor told me. Another doctor told me that the problem with many people that have pimples is that they use cleansers that are too rich for the face. That doctor recommended a soap and water regime.

4. Stick to skin care that works for your skin
What works on your best friend may not necessarily work on you. Especially if her skin is dry and your is oily. The latest richest skincare products might make her look radiant but they could trigger a nasty acne outbreak in your skin.

5. Take a break.
Stress tends to trigger acne outbreaks. Does your skin act up more before an exam or a stressful event? Learn to relax. Take a long bath. Watch a funny movie. Read a favourite magazine. Talk it out with a best pal. Do whatever works for you to ease the stress.

6. Get a good night’s sleep every night.
Your body needs sleep. Without enough sleep, even your skin acts up. Try to stop all work a few hours before bed time. When I had insomnia, That is actually the last resort. Better ways would be to exercise in the day so you can sleep better at night.

7. Avoid using pressed powder to cut down the sheen
My friend’s friend used a pressed powder compact to hide her acne. Instead, the more she used it the worse it got. Just think. By mid day, your skin gets oily. You take out the powder compact, and use that powder puff to apply pressed powder on your face. Now, your face would already have dirt, bacteria and oil on it. Pat your face with that powder puff and now that puff picks up the dirt, bacteria and oil. You put it back into the compact. The bacteria happily breeds in there. Then you take out the compact again and pat more powder, mixed with oil, dirt and bacteria onto your face, picking up more gunk, putting in more gunk into your compact. The cycle goes on.  Then you can throw the paper away after use.

8. Do not let bacteria breed
 Do not let bacteria breed happily in your make up tools. Wash all your make up brushes regularly, with
  soap and water. Then dry them completely before you keep them.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Beauty tips of the day

The popular saying beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder may hold true to an extent, but restricting beauty to a phrase is not fair, especially when we can make use of various natural beauty tips to enhance our looks and overall appearance. Today, the beauty stores are flooded with a vast range of chemical beauty products. Though the "look" and "feel" of these big brands may often tempt us, we should never forget the benefits of using homemade beauty and skincare recipes, organic beauty products and natural beauty products.

Free Beauty Tips

1.    Sleeping on your back will prevent many wrinkles and breakouts on your face, and even wrinkles in your cleavage area.

2.    Wearing clothes that are tight make you look heavier. Even a slim girl can bulge over too-tight jeans.

3.    Put on a coat of clear nail polish before a colored polish to keep your nails from discoloring.

4.    Being angry really does take away from your beauty now and will result in more wrinkles later.

5.    Wearing less make-up makes you look younger.

6.    Vitamins and minerals are needed for health and beauty, but more is not always better. Too much Vitamin A or Selenium can cause hair loss. There is nothing beautiful about losing your hair.

7.    If you are unhappy with a hair conditioner, it will still make a great "shaving cream" for your legs in the shower.

8.    When shaving, don't stretch the skin or you could cause ingrown hairs by shaving hair off slightly under the skin.

9.    Drink plenty of water and get eight hours of sleep every day.

10.    Tighten bra straps as they stretch out, or buy a new bra when they can't tighten any further, to keep the bosom looking young and perky.

11.    Instead of shaving over and over, with the hairs coming in darker and thicker each time, try waxing. Waxing to remove hair will result in softer hairs each time and result in permanent hair loss after a few sessions. Aussie Nad's is an all-natural product which is easy to use.

12.    Sleeping on two or three pillows at a time, or on an Acid Reflux Sleep Wedge will help get rid of dark circles under your eyes.

13.    Exercise while dieting is a must or your skin will be too large (and saggy) for your smaller body. It is much, much tougher to tighten skin after your body shrinks than as you go.

14.    After washing your face, rinse in cold water (fair-skinned people should use cool instead of cold) to close the pores and tighten the facial muscles.

15.    If you are out of quick-dry spray for nails, dip your fingers into a bowl of ice-cold water. (Don't to touch the sides of the bowl.) Your nails will dry very quickly.

16.    Good posture can make you look much slimmer.

17.    Wearing a low heel will give you better posture than wearing flat shoes.

18.    Renew thick nail polish by adding a few drops of fingernail polish remover to the bottle.

19.    Make a nail polish bottle not get stuck closed, put a thin coat of Vaseline inside the lid.

20.    Clean hair brushes occasionally with dish soap and borax. In a dishpan of very warm water, add 1/2 cup of borax and a few drops of liquid dish soap. Swish the brushes to stir, rinse, and let air dry. Scrub any stubborn spots with a used toothbrush.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Cold air winds and woman.............Ten issues

When cold winds blow gently began. Moisture in the air is reduced by starting with. That means practice. Skin care must to changes as required by. And skin product which used bebere . May be too strong for the skin in this period. The traditional moisturizing. May not be enough then and it is 10 stories you need to change the habit. And make the degree of fresh skin not decreased.
1. Negligently lips longer.
At first, often feel the cold air before it is any other lips. Because no gland fat lips. Also, the relatively thin skin structure. And the blood vessels near the skin on the floor. Symptoms are dry lips. How best to heal lips is polishing and dry skin cells replicate split routine. And use lip balm contain no irritation ex. peppermint and mental. For people very dry lips. Try to find Lip balm is a mix of almonds Oil people who want to protect little bit, try to choose a mixed Cheer butter.
2. Not too long to warm bath water.
Bath cozy sounds may tempt the winter. But it will tear out the natural moisture from the skin, so not long bath. And let the water temperature is too high, then wipe the surface recently and soon enough cream or Oil to damp skin when the other is to remove the frozen moisture in the skin. Avoid drop of oil into the water bath. Because most oil will flow into the pipe than on the surface. Also, it also makes a bathtub slippery and dangerous, and also research that shows that oil could cause a cleaning agent to bind the skin to cause irritation and dryness.
3. Do not forget to scrub at least twice a week.
You may not want to break the skin dry and flaky pan drop out. However, contrary to the skin cells replicate another it is the duty of the skin. And replace it with. New skin cells smooth over and protect the skin better. And is the best way to protect dry. Shifting cells is initial important of healthy skin.  However, due to damage from sunlight. From dryness in the air. Cause the skin to aid in replacing skin cells effectively, you should scrub the skin cells replicate at least 2-3 times a week by use scrub polish gentle skins. Addition to revealing new healthy skin cells over. Also allows the skin to absorb moisture even more.
4. Do not clean your skin is too severe.
For body surface, you should use soap and fragrance free gentle to the skin. And should avoid using disinfectant soap. This will eliminate the oil from your skin. The face skin changes to use soft cleaning. Do not use a light cleaning products for any skin type to make your skin feel dry and tight.
5. Maintain hands and feet more.
Hands and feet is another part of the body that demonstrates the impact of the cold clear. If your hand comes in touch with water frequently. Cream every time after the water hit. If the skin is still dry. Try hand cream with gloves, plastic wrap and leave in a few minutes. You will be awed with the results differ clearly. Feet maintain at least three times a week. By soaking feet in warm water baths and sea salt mixed a few drop of oil after the oil or cream to special moisture, such as cheer butter or Almond Oil.
6. Modify the product a bit.
Your skin must adjust significantly. In response to cold and dry air. You should reduce the use of products to damage skin such as AHA because it could cause more dry skin. Cause skin irritation and can also avoid astringe gel to make the list down to dry skin also. If you have acne problems. You may continue to use rouge. For treatment. But should be adjusted slightly as if the Latin – A.. May ask the doctor to change from a gel to cream formula that is moist and humid Beware of the AHA more because it may cause irritation and dry skin more.
7. Add more food to the skin.
The best fight from within the skin with in all vitamins comprises Bio Latin vitamins C D E ,copper, zinc and manganese help maintain healthy skin. But most important is. Foods rich. Essential fatty acids. This is an important part in creating a healthy skin cells by adding Epithelial Cells, which will put the symptoms without causing inflammation. Essential fatty acids such as Omega -3 and Omega -6 found in beans, corn, Soybean oil, Sunflower oil, Eve Rose Rim etc. May still try to add Eve Rose Rim 1,300 mg per day in food to make sure skin is not essential fatty acid deficiency.
8. Add moisture, not lack.
To fill  moisture in the skin to the most. You may need to change to use more intensive moisture. Moisture is mix of oil. Be effective in protecting the loss of moisture over. May choose a cream or moisturizing agents. Such as (Urea Lactate), after that use moisturizer to freeze the moisture again. Will help protect the skin from the dry store was a better addition to the use of a moisturizing Systems for skin 2-3 times per week would also help greatly. But if you face it. Dry and cold weather does not mean you have to bathe moisturizing immediately , but should wait 15 minutes after washing face. If the face has is tight and dry should rub moisturizing on that around area. Otherwise you could risk making the skin oilier.
9. Drinking water best.
Drinking water help skin retain moisture naturally automatically. Help damp cell. And help bring nutrients to the cell skin. Therapeutic principles should be drinking water with room temperature or slightly heated should also avoid alcohol and caffeine makes the body and skin, lack of water.
10. Protect the sun always
Although the sunshine will be bright or gloomy.  It also has a radiation attack skin comfortably. And skin from the sun will be carrying less moisture it has. Winter does not mean the disabled sunscreen cream. However, you may wear a garment that concealed body skin more. The waiver allows the cream to body lotion to your skin. But also to use a SPF15 sunscreen cream is always at least on the face.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


'Beauty is skin deep', so goes the good old saying. But, that does not rob the charm of enhancing your looks. So, hey there, beauty conscious, there's just no harm in having some of the best beauty tips up your sleeves. For looking and feeling beautiful is a sign of health and happiness. And in an age where looking good spells confidence and success, it's vital that you have the best beauty tips handy.

Pamper Your Body

The first secret to true beauty is a natural body glow. Try a refreshing exfoliate with a homemade mix of olive oil, sea salt or sugar. Dry brushing your body, preferably with a natural bristle brush before a bath. It helps to stimulate the glands.

A Little Thought for your Eyes, Hands and Feet

- Moisturise your hands and feet regularly. Don't forget to file your nails and apply nail polish.

- Free your eyes of the tired look simply with a spoon. Keep it in the fridge and apply to the eyelids.

- Once you have ensured a healthy body, be in fashion with the best make-up tips.

Magic of Natural Make-Up

The secret of smart make-up is to keep it natural. But often unhygienic and wrong use of make-up causes harm. Here are the best beauty tips to avoid a make-up mess:

- Eye care: To ensure healthy eyes change your mascara every three months, eye shadows every six to twelve months and sharpen your eye pencil regularly.

- Mascara basics: To avoid mascara smudging, apply a thin layer to the top lashes only and then use an eyelash brush.

- Natural glow: A gel blush or cream gives a more natural look than a powder.

- Brow beauty: For a natural look, eyebrows must not look pencil thin. Use a definer for extra volume.

- Eyeliner tips: Use liquid liner instead of a pencil, to avoid smudging in the crease of the lid.

- Foundation fashion: While choosing a concealer or foundation, check the shade on the palm side of your wrist. It tells whether the shade would look natural on you.

Haute Hair Tips

A homemade hair pack is better than shampooing. Natural stuff like apple cider vinegar keeps shampoo toxins at bay.
The right hairdo makes the correct fashion statement. Always discuss your face shape with your hairdresser, to decide on a style

Do's 'N' Don'ts

Common beauty blunders arise from ignorance. Here are the best beauty tips to be better informed:

- Avoid soap and switch to natural cleansers

- Wash your face often

- Use an eye cream regularly

- Drink lots of water

- Never forget a sunscreen

- Use natural beauty packs

Mind Matters

Last but not the least; you just can't glow unless its heart felt. So, the best beauty tips include doing something you enjoy whenever you can. Always take a break, chat with friends, forget your worries, set your mind free and just watch the wonders.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Bast Beauty Pageant Interview Preparation Tips and Tricks

Ask any seasoned beauty pageant professional and they will tell you the contest is won during the interview. However, there is no other aspect of the beauty pageant that instills as much fear and nervousness as the interview and its question and answer session.

The interview portion of a beauty pageant is where the contestant has her chance to reveal that she is much more than a pretty face or a perfect body. The interview reveals the qualities that she holds dear and true to her heart as well as reveals her level of self-confidence in the areas that she believes in. Everything from what she says to how she says it will be judged during this time.

To answer interview questions effectively, the contestant will need to focus on gathering her thoughts before hand. Her answers should be given in a logical and coherent manner as well as spoken with proper inflection and annunciation. If you struggle with nervousness, then you will need to address this in your training. When you answer your interview questions, you need to sound confident, assured, and convicted of your answer. It is not just enough to say, “Yes” or “No”. You will need to give a detailed explanation of your convictions and beliefs and to present this answer to the judges in a confident manner.

Practicing sample interview questions is a great way for any contestant to help prepare themselves for their moment in the spotlight. Some of the most popular questions deal with topics that are important to humanitarian causes and reveal how you feel about societal issues. You may be asked how you would deal with homelessness, what qualities you believe a role model should possess, what your plans are for your future, why you entered the competition, how winning the crown would help you in your life, how did you prepare for the contest, and how would you change the world if you were elected president. Reviewing past contestant’s answers and taking notice of how the winner’s responded will shed great light on what type of answers judges are looking for.

No matter what interview question is posed to you, you should always answer any interview question in four simple steps. First, take at least three seconds to pause before you begin answering the question. This shows that you are not rushing to answer the question with a “packaged” answer. You don’t want to make the judges think that you have your answer prepared. Wait three seconds, and then begin to answer. Second, you should answer by stating that this is your belief or conviction. Sentence starters such as, “I believe” or “I feel strongly” will add meat to your answer. Third, after your lead in sentence, share your convictions while answering the question. When you are through answering the question you should summarize your statement. This is the fourth and final step. Summarize your answer by stating, “Overall, I believe.” Working with your personal beauty pageant trainer as well as a vocal coach can help you gain the confidence that you need to secure your crown.

Source: - Free Articles Directory

About the Author

Tiffany Hansenn is a contributor to a leading beauty pageant advice website. The website features pageant interview questions and pageant interview preparation.

Natural Beauty From The Inside Out

As far as most people are concerned, beauty actually is skin-deep.

However, if you want to fully take care of your body, you need to take care of the inside as well as you do the outside.

Following a lifestyle that includes natural health practices will help you with this. You learn to eat food that takes care of you immune system, organs, and skin.

You will be able to enjoy all kinds of food that will help and not harm your body.

Natural health and beauty is a good thing to know about in that it will help you learn the practical side of health.

Your hair, skin, and nails are often neglected when you are taking care of yourself. But they are also very important.

Natural health and beauty helps you find a beauty routine that will benefit you in all aspects. You should learn which natural health tonics you can drink and what their benefits are on your skin and overall internal and external health.

This way you can give all you body's features a boost.

Junk food often damages the appearance and health of your skin. Your skin might look overly glossy or overly dry, but certainly not healthy.

Achieving natural health and beauty is also about reaching a state of tranquillity with yourself. It enforces the rules of life, which is to say that if you are healthy inside it will show on the outside. When you have or are deciding to start living a more natural, healthy way, you will need to know that you have to do the work.

There is no short cut around it. You are responsible for your own health; and if you do not take care of yourself, then no one else will.

Another thing to consider is that if you want the natural health and beauty products to work for you, then you have to use them. Don't waste money if you know that you are not committed enough to actually follow-through the prescribed plans.

Source: - Free Articles Directory

About the Author

Gregg Hall is a business consultant and author for many online and offline businesses and lives in Navarre Florida with his 16 year old son. Get anti aging cream from

Great Tips To Cure Skin Blemishes Naturally

Instead of using harsh chemicals or potions on your body's largest organ, consider using natural methods to clear up any acne problems or embarrassing blemishes.

There are many great tips to cure skin problems using all natural items that cost considerably less than expensive lotions, creams, or cleansers that may do more harm than good.

Look no further to find excellent tips to cure skin issues, from acne to other problems that can wreck an individual's self esteem or social life.

Most individuals who suffer from skin problems are teenagers and may be experiencing difficult times at home or school.

The teenage years are awkward for any child, but especially for those who suffer from acne or other issues.

This time is one of great hormonal imbalance, which usually is the root of the problem.

Some excellent tips to cure skin problems involve your overall health and quality of life.

The old adage, "you are what you eat" comes to play, since individuals who enjoy well balanced, healthy meals tend to be healthier, their skin will be healthy as well.

These simple treatments will allow you to create a better sense of overall health. In addition to eating well, be sure to drink plenty of water in order to keep your skin hydrated.

Properly hydrated skin is less likely to experience break outs or other problems usually associated with acne.

Also, carefully watch the beauty products you use, since some products will encourage break outs.

When working to control skin problems naturally, you may should turn to you're the items in your kitchen.

A simple masque made from baking soda and water is an excellent way to extract any toxins and clean out your pores.

Instead of using a store bought masque or other skin treatments from your drug store that may contain harmful chemicals and can put a dent in your budget, consider these natural ideas.

Also, egg whites are excellent for especially dry skin and honey is great for oily skin.

Using the natural beauty methods will allow you to control your skin problems naturally without breaking the bank!

Source: - Free Articles Directory

About the Author

'Discover the Remedies and Treatment regarding Acne and Skin Care', find some at

Follow Homemade Beauty Tips - For Beauty Is In Nature's Grips

Beautiful people of all ages have maintained that beauty is not as much reflected in the rosy, youthful look of the skin. When questioned about the secret to their beautiful skins, they have always attributed it to a healthy lifestyle and a few homemade beauty tips. Healthy lifestyle and homemade beauty tips are mostly based on the refreshing, detoxifying effects of natural and herbal products with the former fortifying the system's internal strength and the later protecting outwardly.
Homemade beauty tips, as such, are based on judicial choice of herbal ingredients for external skin care. Some home-based natural skin care tips would be as follows:

? Buttermilk/cream and yogurt make excellent skin cleansers. They are also excellent for giving a glowing, uniform color and skin tone. They have been used for wrinkle reduction and plumping/rejuvenating the skin. What also works great is eating salmon 2 times a week. Salmon is very high in omega-3 fatty acids and is great for your skin and nervous system (it is interesting to note that salmon and spinach are 2 of the best superfoods).
? After-bath application of almond oil is undoubtedly a great treat for the skin - the suppleness and glow it brings to the skin is unmatched by even the very best of moisturizers. Almond oil in conjunction with a TCA peel is currently used by many physicians and dermatologists. The almond oil increases the healing time and actually makes the results even better. Apply every 2-3 months for maximum results. TCA peels are now available for in home use at tremendous savings (please see the link below for more details).
? Regular application of honey or yogurt makes the skin soft and has a gentle bleaching effect. This really does work, but can take 8-10 applications to see visible results.
? Sea salt/sugar mixed with olive oil works as an extraordinary at-home body exfoliation preparation. Basically this will yield a good miscroderm abrasion treatment when applied properly. Apply once per month.
? Different natural and herbal products like Aloe Vera, Basil, Chamomile, Lavender, Marshmallow, Neem, Oatmeal, Sandalwood, Tea tree oil, Turmeric, Witch Hazel, etc. used as facial packs often help to dispose dead cells and impurities lodged in the skin to unclog pores. Side by side playing the roles of cleansers, the natural processes of these herbal products and elements strike the water-oil balance of the skin and help restore its natural pH - good for reducing acne bacteria and similar skin conditions.
If you find it too troublesome to go for natural skin treatments, the safest choice will be the TCA peels. The ready-to-be-used medically approved TCA peels have an answer for almost all skin problems - right from acnes to wrinkles and skin pigmentations to dryness. With long lasting effects, TCA peels give back the skin its natural healthfulness. With no harmful side effects (nearing the gentleness of homemade beauty tips), TCA peels can be safely used for teen-age skin problems.
Two is undoubtedly 'company' but three is not always 'crowd'. TCA peels, balanced diets and a few homemade beauty tips make enviable company when it comes to revitalizing the skin. Especially the above mentioned combination of almond oil and the TCA peel. I have used this myself and experienced a rejuvenation similar to taking 15 years off - simply amazing. Therefore, surrender to the cares of the threesome and be the proud possessor of a youthful skin and look!

Source: - Free Articles Directory

About the Author

David Maillie is an alumni of Cornell University and specializes in biochemical synthesis and manufactures various skin peels and acne treatments for doctors offices and medispas. He can be reached at M.D. Wholesale:

How to Win a Beauty Pageant

Every girl who enters a beauty pageant has one goal in mind- winning. However, no matter how beautiful or talented each contestant is, there can only be one winner. So, you may be asking yourself the number one question. What can I do to win a beauty pageant? To begin with, if you want to win a beauty pageant you will have to do your research and prepare for hard work.

Just being a beautiful girl is not going to make you a winner. In fact, beauty pageants consist of more events then simple appearance alone. You must be prepared to present yourself as an eloquent and intelligent speaker, you must be poised, dignified, and showcase your talent with expertise. All of this requires hard work, determination, and taking the time to research each beauty pageants rules as well as their history.

One of the most important steps that you can take to ensure that you win is to hire a beauty pageant coach. Studies have shown that the majority of beauty pageant winners have coaches. Coaches are privy to information regarding simple things that the judges are looking for. The pageant contestant may inadvertently ignore these simple things. For example, ensuring that you have the proper model stance can be the difference between first place and runner up. Most beauty pageant winners are the first to admit that their coaches played a vital role in their success.

Training hard is essential to ensuring that you win your next beauty pageant. You will need to practice your public speaking skills, your specific talent, your walk, modeling stance, as well as work on your smile, hair and makeup. It is a good idea to study videotapes of previous winners of the beauty pageants that you are competing in. This is a great way to see what qualities the judges are looking for in a winner.

You will also need to have an enormous amount of self-discipline. Winning a beauty pageant requires that you are disciplined in every aspect of your life. You should consider the beauty pageant as if it were a marathon or an event that you were in training for. Discipline in your sleeping habits, exercise routine, and nutrition are essential to ensuring that you remain in prime condition. Many women have lost their spot as a beauty pageant winner due to overindulgence in food, drinking, and lacking exercise. You must be committed to doing whatever it takes to win your next beauty pageant to see your dream come true.

Make sure that you always behave appropriately and respectfully. This includes how you treat the other contestants, the judges, and the organizers of the contest. If you present yourself as having a horrible, snobby attitude you will find that it will work against you in the long run. Often times, people confuse self-confidence with arrogance. They are definitely two different things. Judges are looking for a woman who exudes grace as well as confidence, but a woman who presents herself as believing that she is better than everyone else and treats other people badly will never be successful.

Source: - Free Articles Directory

About the Author

Tiffany Hansenn is a contributor to a leading beauty pageant advice website. The website features pageant tips and pageant interview questions.

Specializations at Beauty College

There are many aspects to beauty care and grooming, and specializations at beauty college offer students a chance to become qualified and competent specialists in areas of their interest. So whether it is hair styling, nail care, spa treatments, or for that matter salon management that the student wants to specialize in beauty colleges provide advanced courses in them all.

Beauty colleges usually offer their students a general program in cosmetology and also have courses for specializations. The number of specializations seem endless and seem to grow more every year. Depending on what the student's area of interest is there will a number of advanced programs to select from. Some of the specializations include the following:

A general course in cosmetology may lead to a specialization in hair coloring or hairpiece fitting.
Esthetics is the study of applying make-up, performing facials, massages, waxing, and reflexology. After a basic course a student may specialize in spa treatment, hair removal techniques, sterilization and sanitization of instruments, etc.
Nail technology is a very popular aspect of beauty treatment and a student can specialize in the same. This would include an understanding of nail art and design, tips, forms, wraps, and gels.
Barbering courses may be followed with courses in disorder of skin, scalp and hair, hair straightening, hair coloring, hair design.
A salon management specialization is recommended if you wish to open your own salon or want to concentrate on the managerial side of the business. Also on offer are related courses in client consultation, cosmetology instruments, etc.
Specialization to become a beauty college instructor.

The best part about specializing in a particular course is that you have already reached a certain level of skill that will assist you in getting a good stepping stone in the professional world. Beauty colleges not only ensure that their students get a complete education in their area of specialization but also that they have the due practical experience. Career placement guidance and advice is provided accordingly so that students find jobs that suit their specialization. After completing a specialization or specializations the beauty college graduate would have a number of opportunities to choose from. Some of these include movie and photo stylist, hair color specialist, salon manager, beauty magazine writer, beauty magazine editor, beauty college instructor, research chemist and beauty care distributor.

Salon professionals earn over $50,000 including tips and most of this is due to a steady line of clients who place their confidence in the hands of the beauty technician. Specialists are able to add more to their jobs as they have complete knowledge and insight into that particular aspect of grooming. For instance a masseur who has also specialized in disorders of skin, scalp and hair may be able to identify areas of concern in clients and assist them. Specializations in beauty college give students a head start when they join the beauty industry and must be seriously considered by them.

Source: - Free Articles Directory

About the Author

Rajeev Rampersad loves creating beautiful websites. One in particular is about beauty colleges. You will find some great information on topics such as "Tips for Selecting a Beauty College" and "Benefits of Going to a Beauty College" Visit for more information.

Celebrity Beauty Tips - Hairstyles and Beauty Tips of the Stars

Celebrities enjoy huge fan following especially when it comes to beauty and style matters. Being a style-icon a celebrity is imitated by his admirers once he builds an image. A celebrity beauty tip, whether it be about skin care, acne prevention, hair styling, reducing body weight or any other issue related to improving looks has always been cherished by the admirers. Adjudged from this angle, the best celebrity beauty tip of the present age seems to be being ones own self.

Inspired by the doctrine that beauty comes in all sizes, shapes and colors and is more about self-expression than mere imitation of someone else's style, modern fans go for personal styling. A few generations back an individual would be content with just getting an Elvis Presley hair cut or a Marilyn Monroe makeup even if that gave a more or less dumb look. A present generation Tom Cruise admirer instead customizes the star's hairstyle to best suit his personality. Similarly, a woman obsessed with Julia Roberts may not opt for a curly crop, but rather sport her hair straight, a la Brooke Shield's style.

The same celebrity beauty tip holds for make up and attires. Considering the camera glares and flashes they are exposed to, it is very fitting that a beauty pageant winner or a celebrity will settle on heavy makeup and some out of the ordinary clothing. However, when adopted in everyday lives, the too gorgeous, overtly glamorous looks will best be termed 'blunders' on the fashion-front. No wonder that young women go for a lot of scaling down and opt for the 'girl next door' look rather than the 'Diva' look.

Most celebrities consider beauty as 'not just skin deep', and hence concentrate a lot on health care and grooming. With useful advices as natural and homemade beauty tips on skin, hair care and on other health related issues, this happens to be the most helpful aspect of celebrity worship. Although most of the beauty secrets shared by the stars are no different from the natural beauty tips one has grown up with, youngsters pay heed to these time tested beauty secrets only when it comes in the form of a celebrity beauty tip.

A celebrity beauty tip can be anything such as

? Sticking to healthy lifestyle
? Giving the body its regular quota of exercises
? Increased intake of water
? Meditation
? Direct application of natural products like honey, milk, etc.
? Application of homemade beauty potions
? Application of other beauty treatments like TCA skin peels, etc.

The perfect combination of homemade beauty tips with occasional TCA peels seems the right answer when it comes to stopping the onslaught of professional stress and makeup. The fast-action TCA (Trichloroacetic Acid) skin peels cause acne, pigmentations, scars and wrinkles to vanish in matter of moments and is perfectly safe. With the effects of the chemical skin exfoliation lasting for 6 months to a year, application by medical practitioners is recommended. The wide acceptance of TCA peels in the medical community has made it much more than just a celebrity beauty tip.

Source: - Free Articles Directory

About the Author

David Maillie is a chemist with over 12 years experience in biochemical research and clynical analysis. He is an alumni of Cornell University and specializes in biochemical synthesis for public, private, and governmental interests. He can be reached at M.D. Wholesale:

Best Beauty Tips For A Healthy And Natural Look

'Beauty is skin deep', so goes the good old saying. But, that does not rob the charm of enhancing your looks. So, hey there, beauty conscious, there's just no harm in having some of the best beauty tips up your sleeves. For looking and feeling beautiful is a sign of health and happiness. And in an age where looking good spells confidence and success, it's vital that you have the best beauty tips handy.

Pamper Your Body

The first secret to true beauty is a natural body glow. Try a refreshing exfoliate with a homemade mix of olive oil, sea salt or sugar. Dry brushing your body, preferably with a natural bristle brush before a bath. It helps to stimulate the glands.

A Little Thought for your Eyes, Hands and Feet

- Moisturise your hands and feet regularly. Don't forget to file your nails and apply nail polish.

- Free your eyes of the tired look simply with a spoon. Keep it in the fridge and apply to the eyelids.

- Once you have ensured a healthy body, be in fashion with the best make-up tips.

Magic of Natural Make-Up

The secret of smart make-up is to keep it natural. But often unhygienic and wrong use of make-up causes harm. Here are the best beauty tips to avoid a make-up mess:

- Eye care: To ensure healthy eyes change your mascara every three months, eye shadows every six to twelve months and sharpen your eye pencil regularly.

- Mascara basics: To avoid mascara smudging, apply a thin layer to the top lashes only and then use an eyelash brush.

- Natural glow: A gel blush or cream gives a more natural look than a powder.

- Brow beauty: For a natural look, eyebrows must not look pencil thin. Use a definer for extra volume.

- Eyeliner tips: Use liquid liner instead of a pencil, to avoid smudging in the crease of the lid.

- Foundation fashion: While choosing a concealer or foundation, check the shade on the palm side of your wrist. It tells whether the shade would look natural on you.

Haute Hair Tips

A homemade hair pack is better than shampooing. Natural stuff like apple cider vinegar keeps shampoo toxins at bay.
The right hairdo makes the correct fashion statement. Always discuss your face shape with your hairdresser, to decide on a style

Do's 'N' Don'ts

Common beauty blunders arise from ignorance. Here are the best beauty tips to be better informed:

- Avoid soap and switch to natural cleansers

- Wash your face often

- Use an eye cream regularly

- Drink lots of water

- Never forget a sunscreen

- Use natural beauty packs

Mind Matters

Last but not the least; you just can't glow unless its heart felt. So, the best beauty tips include doing something you enjoy whenever you can. Always take a break, chat with friends, forget your worries, set your mind free and just watch the wonders.

Source: - Free Articles Directory

About the Author

David Maillie is an alumni of Cornell University and specializes in biochemical synthesis and manufactures various skin peels and other for doctors offices and medispas. He can be reached at M.D. Wholesale:

Discovering Your Inner Beauty

"Looks are nothing without spirit"

That is the tag line for the new fragrance by Antonio Banderas. It’s called "Spirit" and although I have yet to smell it, that tag line appeals to my inner beauty. It’s true that looks are nothing without your inner spirit shining through. It’s your essence and your personality that makes you beautiful - not the clothes or makeup that you wear.

Many of us envy other women who we perceive as being "perfect". They have the perfect nose, the flawless face….they get to wear all the finest clothing. Little do we know that some of these women are total bitches who care about nothing and nobody but themselves. It’s almost a waste of outer beauty, ya think?

So, you’re probably wondering, Well, how do I get to have this inner beauty?

Here’s my advice…

* Stay true to yourself. What I mean by this in terms of fashion and beauty is that you wear clothing and makeup that you like and feel comfortable with - not what a magazine tells you to wear. Just because Lindsay Lohan wears Chanel doesn’t mean that you have to.

* Smile and be happy. This may take a bit of work on your part - especially if you are depressed or angry inside. Make an effort to say positive affirmations to yourself in the morning after you wake up. We are all meant to be happy! Surround yourself with positive people and they’re energy will start to rub off on you…

* Be confident. All of us have our own insecurities. Maybe we think that we’re just not as pretty as so and so or maybe we feel that people will make fun of what we’re wearing. When you stand up tall and feel comfortable in your own skin - that’s what people really pay attention to. People are attracted to people who have confidence in themselves and don’t worry about what other people think.

Source: - Free Articles Directory

About the Author

Maria Palma is a freelance writer and has a passion for beauty and fashion. Visit her blog at