Thursday, March 3, 2011

 Protecting your face is of utmost importance. Some simple and easy steps to care for your skin can save you tons of worry if you take a few minutes everyday to care for your skin. Time passes so quickly, before you know it, the texture of your skin is changing and then it is too late to do much on how about it.

Knowing what type of skin you have, is the first step to choose the right products to use. You may have dry, combination, natural or oily skin. Depending on the type of skin you have, will determine the best routine you should adapt.

The methods use to care for your face is generally cleansing, toning and moisturizing. A cleanser is simply a face cream you use to wash your face. Next you apply a toner to tighten your skin and remove dirt. Then you are ready to apply the moisturizer. It is best to use a creamy moisturizer to help prevent dirt. To help remove dead skin cells from your face for a severe treatment, try exfoliating using granular products.
If you prefer to use home remedies, mix a banana with avocado, some plain yogurt and a teaspoon of olive oil, blend well and rub all over your face and neck. Then leave for 20 minutes. This will rejuvenate your skin. For exfoliating, use 1 red tomato, some lemon juice and oatmeal, rub on your face and let stay your about 15 minutes.

For dry skin types, choose a cleanser with a small amount of chemicals or use soft soap and water to wash your face. Rinse with cold water. This will revitalize your skin. Then apply a toner and moisturizer. If you do this once a day before going to bed, it is best to use a night cream moisturizer which will work on your skin longer while you sleep.

Likewise, for oily skin or any other types, you will have to use cleansers, toners and moisturizers suitable for your skin. Oily skin is likely to absorb more dirt. It is recommended that you use a face mask of clay or mud for oily skin that may contain oatmeal, cucumber or lemon once a week. This treatment is very essential to revive your skin and absorb oil. Once you develop a routine, it will become easier for you to care for your face.

Though this is the regular routine one should develop to protect your face. It should be tested to find out which combination of cream will work best for you, that will protect your skin. One that will make your face feel softer and healthier. It is of utmost importance to take care of your face before it is too late.

Original content by writer.   Feb. 15, 2009

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