Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Beauty Tips for The Day

The traditional image of a woman, entombed in a house rearing a brood, has given way to an outlook that is more assertive. They are increasingly standing shoulder to shoulder with men and venturing into areas that were considered to be male bastions. In this high-paced life, one of the most glaring sacrifices that they had to make was cutting down on their makeup. It is quite hard to imagine any woman without some form or the other of makeup. For centuries, makeup has been their traditional pastime. The type and form of makeup provide an identity to the woman. However, nowadays, more and more career oriented women are so hard pressed for time that the elaborate effort of makeup is a thing of the past. The routine is now more like adding a few touches on the face before making a mad dash towards the door. What many people don't know is that effective makeup can also be put on in a couple of minutes, only if you know how and what to use. This will not only prevent you from looking worn out, but it will also make people not miss the grace and radiance in your appearance. To know how you can beautify yourself when you have to ration your time between various meetings and assignments then read below for some valuable tips. Quick Beauty Tips For Busy Women Foundation
  • Apply moisturizer on your face unless your skin is very oily.
  • Since, foundation takes a lot of time to apply the quickest way to do it is to quickly tap the face with it.
  • Tap the forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin with the foundation.
  • Then use a damp cloth or sponge to smooth it out so that it blends properly.
Eye Shadow
  • It is better to use only one color so that it can be applied quickly. Choosing and matching different colors can take a lot of time.
  • Apply a little bit of the eye shadow on the eyelids. The trick is to use the eye shadow as eyeliner.
General Eye Makeup
  • The quickest way to enhance the eyes is to add a little bit of mascara on the eyelashes. Coupled with the eye shadow it will augment the eyes.
  • To get rid of dark circles apply some eye concealer.
Blush And Lipstick
  • Apply blush on the cheekbones. Then brush it towards the ear.
  • Then apply lipstick and you are ready to go.
Additional Tips
  • Bronzer doesn't take too much time to apply and it can give your skin a bronze shine. So, sometimes when time is of constraint then you can quickly apply a bronzer. It is the best makeup option when you have limited time.
  • Lip-gloss can be applied very quickly and it can heighten the effect of the lips.
  • For your hair, you can use gels or hairsprays. With these it becomes easier and quicker to manage the hair.
  • Another very good option for the hair is to use clips and pins. With these, you can transform your hair in a matter of minutes.
  • Use either perfumes or body sprays.
  • If you find that the makeup looks too artificial, then use a damp cosmetic sponge and press it gently against the skin. This will remove the excess makeup and give the face a fresh dewy appearance.
  • If you have greasy hair, then sprinkle some translucent powder and then brush it through so that the powder settles on the roots. Take care not to apply too much powder.
  • To give the effect of a nail manicure, rub a white eyeliner pencil under the nail tip. Then apply a coat of nail polish.


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